opis ku...

/hmm woooo opis ku makin hebat kini...

all works has to go through verification before it is VERIFIED USABLE. got to have pentauliahan first ooo... yo la, i tak pandai aaa bab2 tuuuuuttt or teeeettt nih. lagipong, cikgu sekolah tak penah ajo dulu. i nie kan budak baru belajo, projek pon tak berapa nak banyak: baru lead satu projek, tu pon funded by local jek NOT techno-fund or mega-mega fund. but, pst pst: i am still proud of it... walau satu, i manage to finish it ON TIME babe... WA RAWK..!!!

BUT... juz wonder, are the person who makes the verification is compatible? hopefully YES le no... tadah tangan AMIN if not, what a waste. tak po aaa: juz for the sake of the safety and protection of people and the environment from effects of ionizing radiation: erk, konpius jap... is my database involve in such protection too... ekeke... wat eva!!!

i just thought something wonderful. tetiba terkenang kata2 prof sem lps: to whoever that have interest to work with the IAEA in Vienna, juz let me know, i will try to help. ehem ehem, berbunga2 ati mengenangkan kata-kata itu... i wish. i wish dot dot dot. la la la... lat ta lilat lai li tang plong :D/

pst pst... kekdg org kita nie, sibuk kat tempat2 yg tak sepatutnya. tempat2 penting laen tak plak di cari galinya.. wallah wallah... ala kassim.... ma'afkan mak kassim... mak dah tua, belajo pon tak tinggi, pengalaman 20 tahung kat dot dot dot pon tarak kassim... mak rawk kassim... PEACE --> wink wink ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

NOTA KECIL: ditulis ketika jiwa sedang sakit, no paracetamol can heal this one..!!! jadi, jika ada yang terasa: maaf kan la I ye.. wink wink


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