ngantok yang amat...  but, terpanggey nak post entry neh...

banyak beno negative statement on walls from close contacts via Facebook recently. aku rasa cam nak muntah, nak nangeh pon ada. nak teriak, tak sape bleh dengo... cause aku neh dok kat level 2 of KINS sengsorang... member-member laen dok kat tingkat 3... aduhai...

why aaa... why shud post something not good on your wall ek... tak takut ke the impact will return to u...??? kan membuka pekung sendirik namanya tuh... hal dalam kain, simpan la elok-elok... kalo pon benar kejadian tuh... but as a wife, mother and a TEACHER... i think u should have a MEGA PRIDE and suppose to can handle this kind of things... Allah ada... bila dia kata ini adalah ujian... so, try to accept... that means, Allah sayang kamu... if not, takkan ada ujian langsung untuk kamu... bila takde ujian... meaning, Allah telah melupakan kamu... kamu mahu DIA kata, lantak pi la... mau...???

bawak mengucap... syahadah itu amat besar nilainya...

and now... please support this ZERO NEGATIVITY DAY - THE 15TH... wink wink in mode: SAD...


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