Vienna - the second vist

muah muah... ngeee macam marathon je... second visit to vienna in one year... yale yale..

I am not alone for this second visit. my appeal to bring a colleague with me was granted by the scientific secretary: Thank u Dr H.S. san... arigato... really appreciate it very much.

but this time, everything was paid by our own money. IAEA didnt even forward us the money allocation form at all... erkkkk, quite burden to me. flight ticket, alhamdulillah, Qatar was a saviour: we got a return ticket KUL-DOHA-VIE for MYR 3,024 only. syukran syukran. thought of buying Emirates airline.. but the ticket, fuiyooo MYR 3,800 maaaa.. so expensive one. crazy or what.

then, got quite a safe budget hotel: Cyrus Hotel: 7 nights for Euro 243 only. triple syukran. and when we arrived at Cyrus, it was quite surprise to see quite a numbers of hotels and hostels nearby. if you want a little pricey hotel, you can stay at Kolbeck Hotel, easy transportation using U1, get off at Rheuumanplatz. our stop was Karlsplatz. but actually, both the station is not far... it is really near. we even have a walk from station to station. so nearrrrr. and this area is really nice to be a choice of stay. because, it's an happening area. lalalaaaaa... i loikeeee...

most of all.. for guys... there's a HOTSPOTZ for you to clean your eyes, make it brighter and glower... lip lap lip lap. kekekeeeeee.. Njoy the pictures... wink wink wink

erm... pictures to be updated later eaaaa... keh keh keh


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